
Our aim is to foster a generation of people who instinctively think and act sustainably.


The Enviroschools programme supports children and young people to plan, design and implement sustainability actions that are important to them and their communities. The programme provides pathways from early childhood through primary, intermediate and secondary school and beyond.  

Enviroschools is a national programme and Nelson City Council coordinates the programme regionally in Nelson. Council is partnered with the Kindergarten Association to facilitate the early childhood programme.

We publish two newsletters per term:

What’s On? goes out at the beginning of each term with details on upcoming events and links to useful programmes and resources for primary and intermediate schools – subscribe here

What’s Up? goes out at the end of each term highlighting all the cool things that have been going on during the term. Subscribe here 

Ecobuzz is no longer being published. You can find archives of the publication here (link to page)

Check out the Nelson Enviroschools Regional page here

 For more information contact the Environmental Programmes Adviser by email or phone 546 0200.