Public Notice Of Progressive Implementation Programme

Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) National Policy Statement For Freshwater Management 2017 (NPS-FM)

The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (amended 2017) requires local authorities to safeguard freshwater ecosystems by sustainably managing freshwater quality and the use of water. Nelson City Council is required under the NPS-FM to publicly notify a programme of time-limited stages for implementing the NPS-FM, known as a Progressive Implementation Programme (PIP).  The programme includes a summary of actions and deadlines for NPS-FM implementation.

Council adopted its first PIP in December 2015 and second PIP in October 2017. Implementation of the PIP will be achieved through the freshwater chapter of the Nelson Plan, Nelson’s second-generation resource management plan.

At its meeting on 21 February 2019, Council resolved to adopt an updated PIP which aligns with a revised timeframe for the preparation of the Nelson Plan. Council hereby gives public notice of its revised Progressive Implementation Programme for implementing the NPS-FM.

Please note the PIP is not open for submissions.

You can view the PIP online. The PIP is also available for public inspection until 30 April 2019 at:

  • Nelson City Council Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
  • Elma Turner Library, Halifax St, Nelson
  • Nightingale Library Memorial, Rocks Rd, Tahunanui
  • Stoke Library, Putaitai St, Stoke

For further information please visit the Council’s website, the Customer Service Centre (Ground Floor, 110 Trafalgar St, Nelson) or contact Kirsten Gerrard, Team Leader Planning, on (03) 539 5560 (email 

Pat Dougherty
Chief Executive, Nelson City Council
14 March 2019