Brook Valley Access Map

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Brook Valley temporary prohibited access area map sep2017

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Decision to prohibit or restrict public access to part of the Brook Recreation Reserve
Under: Reserves Act 1977 sections 23(1), 40, 61(1), 113(2) and 119 

The decision to restrict access to the specified area is due to:

Operational safety
The helicopter company involved have advised that it cannot comply with safety and regulatory requirements unless there is a 100 metre minimum setback from the operational area for unauthorized people or vehicles. Having this distance will allow them to operate safely.

Operational and Emergency Access
The area needs to be clear to allow for access for operational vehicles or emergency access.

Safety for general public and property
Having the 100 metre setback will help ensure the safety of the public or their property is not compromised during operations.
Public access to the area is to be restricted only on the day of the aerial operations.